Class: SCIMMY.Schemas.ServiceProviderConfig

SCIM Service Provider Configuration Schema

  • Ensures a ServiceProviderConfig instance conforms to the Service Provider Configuration schema set out in RFC7643ยง5.


Instantiates a new service provider configuration that conforms to the SCIM ServiceProviderConfig schema definition

                        new SCIMMY.Schemas.ServiceProviderConfig(resource, basepathopt)
Name Type Description
resource Object

the source data to feed through the schema definition

basepathopt String

the base path for resolution of a resource's location

Name Type Description
documentationUri String

an HTTP-addressable URL pointing to the service provider's human-consumable help documentation

patch Object

a complex type that specifies PATCH configuration options

Name Type Description
supported Boolean

a Boolean value specifying whether the operation is supported

bulk Object

a complex type that specifies bulk configuration options

Name Type Description
supported Boolean

a Boolean value specifying whether the operation is supported

maxOperations Number

an integer value specifying the maximum number of operations

maxPayloadSize Number

an integer value specifying the maximum payload size in bytes

filter Object

a complex type that specifies FILTER options

Name Type Description
supported Boolean

a Boolean value specifying whether the operation is supported

maxResults Number

an integer value specifying the maximum number of resources returned in a response

changePassword Object

a complex type that specifies configuration options related to changing a password

Name Type Description
supported Boolean

a Boolean value specifying whether the operation is supported

sort Object

a complex type that specifies sort result options

Name Type Description
supported Boolean

a Boolean value specifying whether the operation is supported

etag Object

a complex type that specifies ETag configuration options

Name Type Description
supported Boolean

a Boolean value specifying whether the operation is supported

authenticationSchemes Object[]

a complex type that specifies supported authentication scheme properties

Name Type Description
type String

the authentication scheme

name String

the common authentication scheme name, e.g., HTTP Basic

description String

a description of the authentication scheme

specUriopt String

an HTTP-addressable URL pointing to the authentication scheme's specification

documentationUriopt String

an HTTP-addressable URL pointing to the authentication scheme's usage documentation
