Class: SCIMMY.Types.Error

SCIM Error Type

  • Extends the native Error class and provides a way to express errors caused by SCIM protocol, schema conformity, filter expression, or other exceptions with details required by the SCIM protocol in RFC7644§3.12.


Instantiate a new error with SCIM error details

                        new SCIMMY.Types.Error(status, scimType, message)
Name Type Description
status Number

HTTP status code to be sent with the error

scimType String

the SCIM detail error keyword as per RFC7644§3.12

message String

a human-readable description of what caused the error to occur

Name Type Description
status Number

HTTP status code to be sent with the error

scimType String

the SCIM detail error keyword as per RFC7644§3.12

message String

a human-readable description of what caused the error to occur